During the 31st ISMRM Annual Meeting in Toronto, Canada, held between June 3-8, 2023, our lab delivered multiple presentations. Dr. Albert Jang presented two papers, namely “Novel 3D Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging of The Whole Knee Cartilage” as an oral presentation and “BTX: Simultaneous 3D Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging And Susceptibility Mapping” as an e-poster presentation. Moreover, he was honored with the Best Open Source Tool Award by the ISMRM quantitative MR Study Group for his participation in the ISMRM 2023 open-source challenge.
Our lab collaborator, Dr. Rianne A van der Heijden from UW-Madison, presented “Association Between Ultrashort Echo-Time T2* Parameters and Clinical Outcome in an RCT of Patellar Tendinopathy” in a power pitch session, indicating our joint efforts with UW-Madison to develop new UTE-MRI techniques for musculoskeletal research. She also received third place in the Clinical Application Award in the Musculoskeletal Study Group, recognizing her contribution to advancing musculoskeletal clinical research through new imaging technology.